Our Mission Statement:

  • Our ‘Purpose for Being’ is to create a platform for anything ‘Adventure’: to invite people to gather to share adventure stories through many different types of media, exhibit brands and innovative ideas, discover destinations, experience equipment, preserve nature and wilderness and develop consciousness in the adventure space;

  • Our Company’s Culture is to inspire a human belief in oneself that anything and anywhere is possible within the realm of adventure;

  • Our Values include, at their core, a sustainable, conscious and professional approach to all aspects of our business which promote inclusivity, conservation and authenticity.

Our Vision:

  • To host an annual festival in or near Copenhagen for the next 20 years and beyond;

  • To be a fully sustainable festival, to promote conservation and to have clear outlines of what this means;

  • To inspire and support the preservation of nature, wildlife, wild places;

  • To fascinate people with adventure by 10% and to inspire them to get out there and seek their own adventure by 90%;

  • To gently push people to open their curiosity to new opportunities and to try new things;

  • To change peoples perspective about how to spend their weekends and holidays and what the possibilities are that they may not have thought of;  

  • To encourage people to investigate what ‘Adventure’ means to them and to accept that it will be different for everyone;

  • To inspire unity, freedom, safety, enjoyment and connection through Adventure;

  • To put Denmark firmly on the map as hosting the most unique and important Adventure Festival in the world;

  • To provide role models for youth and provide outreach programmes and mentoring in the adventure space;

  • To explore opportunities for funding expeditions and creating a central hub for this;

  • To provide networking opportunities to connect adventure businesses with their customers; 

  • To make people from all walks of life, all ages, all races and all abilities feel included and that adventure is for everyone.

  • To document adventure through any medium - photography, film, books, storytelling, podcasts, and more;

  • To assist people to have better experiences and more enjoyment before, during and after their adventures and outdoor activities;