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There will be 3 stages at The Adventure Festival 2024
Mainstage - The Adventurers Hall

Stage 2 - Travel Stage sponsored by LOOW

Stage 3 - Fireside Tales with free beers, sponsored by Grimbergen (Open friday & Saturday from 20-23hrs)

Mainstage: The Adventurers Hall

In alphabetic order:

Anna-Caroline Fosmark - My Wild Life

for the last few years, Anna has lived a nomadic lifestyle in Denmark and Europe. She has cycled and hitchhiked all around and slept in the tent all year round and nature is her home. Her inspirational talk covers a true inner journey, into the deepest recesses of the mind and soul. All part of life's most important journey - a process of learning to love all parts of oneself so that you can learn to love life and other people as purely as they and you deserve.

Christian Stadil - An adventurers life and work with Bhutan.

Christian is CEO of Thornico Group and owns the sports brand Hummel. He is co-author of Company Karma. In 2014, he was appointed honorary professor of creative leadership at the Centre for Business Development and Management at Copenhagen Business School. More recently he has developed a great relationship with Bhutan and conducts many of his adventures in that part of the world.

Cykeldrengene - Nicklas Flenø Mikaelsen & Emil Fammé Hansen: Attempt to cross the ice sheet by bicycle.

Most people know us as the two bike boys from Fredericia. We are two fresh young guys. We live and breathe for the positive outlook on life and always wear the "yes hat". We are perhaps the most competitive people on earth and very determined. We love sport and challenges, which is why we also seek to live outside our comfort zone. We are best friends and have been since childhood. We live in the moment, follow our hearts and always seek the sun – even in cloudy weather. We love to dream, but what we love even more is living them. We want to spread a lot of smiles and inspire others - "because YOU can do whatever the hell you want!".

Hanne Strager - Arctic Orcas expeditions

Hanne Strager is a Danish biologist, whale researcher, and author. She is the co-founder of the Andenes Whale Centre in Norway and she has served as the Director of Exhibitions at the Natural History Museum of Denmark. She has taught biology of marine mammals at the University of Copenhagen and has led numerous expeditions of whale researchers and film expeditions to Northern Norway. She is involved in the development and fundraising for the new Norwegian museum, The Whale, which is slated to begin construction in Andenes in 2025.

With an undergraduate degree in journalism, Strager received a Master of Science from the Aarhus University, Denmark. She was also a Fulbright Scholar at University of California, Santa Cruz, in their biology Ph.D. program. Strager has been awarded the Copenhagen University Natural Sciences Faculty’s prize for science communication.

Helle & Uri Løvevild Golman - Fearless Adventures & Wild Foundation.

We completed all our expeditions and create our photographic masterpiece book “WILD - What You Love You Will Protect” with all our images in. We barely survived the murder attempt in Gabon, which changed our lives, but not our path! We know now that our voices for nature conservation have become even stronger and with help, we founded WILD Nature Foundation and will continue doing nature conservation in the foundation. Our WILD book together with Italian handcrafted Montegrappa pens will be given to World leaders and decision-makers with these words: “With this book you have the document of the World’s last wild places and with this pen, you have the power to rewrite the future of our planet!”

Kamma Skaarup - Doctoring in war-torn countries

In 1996 Kamma Skaarup was a nurse in Sissimut, Greenland. Here she became facinated by the hunting culture, and in 1999 she made the decision to become the first danish woman registered as a commercial hunter.

In 2011, Kamma was recruited by Doctors Without Borders and have since been deployed many times as an anesthesia nurse and most recently as Medical Team Leader. She has been deployed to some of the world's worst hotspots in Northern and Southern Nigeria, in South Sudan and in two different places in Afghanistan. She has helped rescue refugees on the Mediterranean and handled a COVID-19 intervention in the middle of a burned down Moria Refugee Camp in Greece. I see the adventure behind all the cruelty, by being able to meet other cultures and make a difference for people in places in the world only a few people have access to because the great uncertainty – and bear witness to the international community. In these places I have met people under the worst imaginable conditions and gained an insight into their culture, way of life and survival strategies as well as experienced the finest, most life-affirming relationships. There is something at stake every time, and my view of the world and life is shifted, shaken and nuanced again and again.

Henrik Egede Lassen -When it all goes wrong

A nature photographer, safari leader, lecturer and film producer. Already as a child, Henrik (b.1965) dreamed of getting out into the world, diving with sharks and meeting distant peoples. While his friends got an education and a family, Henrik tried in vain to make a living from his sense of adventure. Only at the age of 26 did he really start his adult life, when he became a co-founder of Albatros Adventure in 1991. After some fun and formative years in the travel industry with countless expeditions to all 7 continents, Henrik started as an independent nature photographer in 2001 with the nature communication agency Zoomedia ( ). Over the years, among other things, Henrik has managed to recover a rare African frog (Nectophrynoides vestergaardi), follow the last nomads on Borneo, film narwhals and polar bears for National Geographic and score the female lead singer in the band Alfons Åberg featuring Svend Geilhår's amateur gynecologists.

Some of Henrik's experiences are described in his first book "If I survive this - it will be a good story", which was published in 2019.

Lasse Spang Olsen - When I was crucified & other crazy stories.

Lasse Spang Olsen is a Danish filmmaker. He has been in the film industry all his life and over the past 40 years has participated with stunts and FX in more than 600 films worldwide and he has been film director on 11 feature films for cinemas, including "In China they eat dogs" and "Old men in new cars”.

Lasse has been the cinematographer on 5 feature films for the cinemas and more than 100 TV programs - primarily filmed under complicated conditions - often abroad.

Lasse is one of Denmark's most used underwater photographers in Denmark and has over time made numerous underwater documentaries from many different places and countries.

Lasse has been a member of the Adventurers' Club since 2002 and has been on numerous adventures - often in connection with filming.

Maria Bollerup is a Technical Diving Instructor, a rebreather cave diver and an explorer who has traversed the world as a professional diver since the age of 18. Being Danish, her diving career started in Denmark where her interest in underwater archaeology got her diving archaeological sites at the age of 16, collecting artefacts on Stone Age villages..

It is her passion for science, in combination with her dedicated career within the diving industry, that has led to her involvement in scientific diving projects. Maria is the co-founder of Nixie Expeditions, where diving exploration and scientific research is united into expeditions. Currently, she’s project planner and team diver on Expedition Buteng, an on-going cave project in Sulawesi, Indonesia, where cave diving is explorative, desolate and evolves around research, scientific information gathering and water preservation of unique and isolated cave systems.

In the hope of positively influencing future underwater ambassadors, Maria founded and runs Blue Venture Diving; a wholesale dive travel agency focusing on young backpackers from Europe. She also works with PTSD diagnosed police officers, to help find sanctuary and peace through diving and breathwork. As an advocate for exploration-based diving, she’s a public speaker, a Fourth Element ambassador and a member of The Explorers Club.

Maria Bollerup - Diving into our planet - Cave Expeditions

Line Friis Frederiksen - Mountain climbing on 'the world's coldest mountain'

When Line Friis Frederiksen traveled alone around Alaska one winter, she fell head over heels in love with Denali, North America's highest mountain - and the following year she returned to try to climb the six kilometer high mountain. Without having been mountain climbing before. It was 3 weeks on glaciers and narrow ridges. With avalanche dangers, lack of food and blizzards - and a pee funnel as a valuable travel companion. Line talks about the rough, beautiful and not harmless adventure on Denali. About the fear - and the joy of overcoming it. About the touching adventure she found when she came down from the mountain and suddenly found herself without a penny in her pocket - on the other side of the world. About the preparations and how you can get started yourself if you want to climb mountains. Line is a science journalist, author and member of the Kvindelige Eventyreres Klub. Among other things, she has hosted 'Danmark Kyst til Kyst' and 'Viden Om' on DR and on the Discovery program 'Deadly Dilemmas'. She has traveled in large parts of the world and along the way hunted poachers in Indonesia, dog sledded on the ice sheet and caught pirate fish deep in the Amazon jungle.

Ole Andreassen - Crazy Canoe expeditions in Canada

Ole has had a varied life as an adventurer and has many stories to tell including: Trekking in the Rocky Mountains and Appalachian Mountains as well as canoeing in the Everglades 1980, where a hungry alligator attacked. He once stayed with the spokeswoman of the Navajo Indians in the Big Mountains in connection with the forced relocation of a group of Indians in 1984. As one of the very few whites, he was invited to attend the sacred sun dance of the Lakota Indians where he participated in the Sweat Lodge and flesh-offering ceremonies. Ole has taken part in six canoe expeditions in Northern Canada and spent 2 months on the Anderson river. He was a wilderness guide in Northern Canada and completed the world's toughest cross-country race "Artic Circle Race" in Greenland 2000 and has traveled all over Europe, Pakistan, India, Myanmar, Bangladesh, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, China, parts of Africa, and Mexico to name a few. He has even been attacked by a mad elephant in the jungle!

Søren Sattrup
Roadtripping through Kaukasus & kayak expeditions in Papa New Gunea

Rasmus Krath
Crossing the Darien Gap - the most dangerous place on earth.

As a former actor, current speaker with over 1500 professional show-based talks under his belt, presenter in two full documentaries and experience of more than hundred radio and television and interviews, Rasmus Krath is a natural talent in front of the camera – strong, relaxed, honest, and improvisational.  As an Adventurer and Cinematographer, Rasmus has specialized in traveling and filming alone, meeting the characters of his films as a curious, socially intelligent and friendly individual, allowing him to get very close to the people he is following and interviewing. He gets people talking and crawls under their skin by being confidence-inspiring and both giving and receiving trust – often resulting in very deep, honest, and confident conversations.

Søren Solkær - Adventures through the Lens.

Søren is a Danish photographer, working with a global profile since 1996. He is best known for his distinctive portraits of musicians. He is most recognized as the man responsible for various iconic images of Björk, The White Stripes, Paul McCartney, David Lynch, Amy Winehouse, Pharrell Williams, Adele and Patti Smith. He has recently produced a stunning two volumes of photographic monographs, Starling and Black Sun. Both volumes explore the Black Sun phenomenon pointing to the innocent starling as the source of this cloud of birds that are so dense in their alignment as to blacken the sky in myriad patterns.

Søren’s photography is characterized by finding a tension point between intimacy and edginess. His portraits are often regarded as cinematic in tone with a distinctive color palette. The inspirations for his style as a photographer range from filmmakers David Lynch and Wong Kar-Wai to the works of photographer Philip-Lorca diCorcia and painter Caspar David Friedrich. His works have been exhibited in New York, Copenhagen, Sydney, Melbourne, London, Los Angeles, Chicago, Vancouver, Milano, Munich, Prague and Kyoto. His work is also featured as part of the permanent collection in The Royal Danish Library and The National Portrait Collection in Frederiksborg Castle, Denmark.

Tonni Frandsen - Crazy Canoe expeditions in Canada

Tonni is a member of the Adventurers Club since 2006. and also is a sports teacher at KBH University and has completed several canoe trips in northernmost Canada and sea kayaking in the NW passage. He has kayaked amongst humpback whales in Greenland, crossed the Inland ice on skis and has travelled most of the world. Tonni completed the world's toughest skiing race, the Arctic circle race and is author of the 'Canoe' book as well as co-authoring: "Longing", "Magical Greenland", "The Adventurous" and "Meet the world with your children". In addition to all this, he is a jazz composer and has released 3 albums on Gateway music! 

Stage 2: Travel Stage By LOOW

Niels Blok - How to go on amazing adventures when you only have two weeks to spare: Bikepacking

Jysk Rejsebureau - inspiration for your next adventure destination

Gorilla O’clock - Time to hear all about how to get on an East African adventure of a lifetime for gorilla facetime!

Boblerejser - Stef & Nana: Diving adventures around the world

LOOW Ambassadors - these girls and guys are out there in the wilderness on many diverse adventures and will share their stories with you

De Brede Planker - Get your planks on or jump on a surfboard or bike and hear about how to start an adventure travel agency operating in some of the best locations in the world.

Zaman’s East India Odyssey - Adventures in India trail blazing.

Micro-Adventures for Women - inspiring stories from Julie Pio and Solveig Høgh with short videos about their treks.

Cafe Globen - Join a travelling community here in Copenhagen and come to hear about their meetings and adventures.

Stage 3: Fireside Tales by Grimbergen

Fireside Tales is a new addition to The Adventure Festival for 2024. Members of the Adventurers Club of Denmark are invited to entertain you around the fire, regaling far-fetched stories of adventure that will have you belly-laughing, gasping with shock and staying up late into the night, hearing tales you cannot believe are true!

  • Bjørn Harvig

    Bjørn was the youngest member of the Adventurers' Club and prefers to travel by bike or on foot - because then the pace is not too fast and gives him the best opportunities to meet foreign friends. Bjørn believes that everyone has a good story to tell, it's just a matter of telling it to someone who gives themselves time to listen.

    Bjørn is a trained police officer and has worked with young people in Nørrebro for a number of years alongside his job. He is the author of the books "Igors Æblehave - stories from a cycling trip Copenhagen - Tehran", "Caucasus & Fountain - stories from a trip on foot", editor of "Udlængsel - 27 new stories from Eventyrernes Klub", where he has a story with from India, and now he is current with “Bosnian Brothers”.

  • Lasse Spang-Olsen

    Lasse Spang Olsen is a Danish filmmaker. He has been in the film industry all his life and over the past 40 years has participated with stunts and FX in more than 600 films worldwide and he has been film director on 11 feature films for cinemas, including "In China they eat dogs" and "Old men in new cars”.

    Lasse has been the cinematographer on 5 feature films for the cinemas and more than 100 TV programs - primarily filmed under complicated conditions - often abroad.

    Lasse is one of Denmark's most used underwater photographers in Denmark and has over time made numerous underwater documentaries from many different places and countries.

    Lasse has been a member of the Adventurers' Club since 2002 and has been on numerous adventures - often in connection with filming.

  • Henrik Egede-Lassen

    Henrik Egede-Lassen combines humor and absurd experiences with impressive images and fantastic film clips in his stories about the world's most exciting natural areas. His unique knowledge of tribal people and wild animals has made him a sought-after lecturer, and his incredible existence has led to a critically acclaimed autobiography and membership of the "Adventurers Club".

    Henrik Egede-Lassen is a nature photographer, safari leader, lecturer and film producer. Already as a child, Henrik (b.1965) dreamed of getting out into the world, diving with sharks and meeting distant peoples. While his friends got an education and a family, Henrik tried in vain to make a living from his sense of adventure. Only at the age of 26 did he really start his adult life, when he became a co-founder of Albatros Adventure in 1991. After some fun and formative years in the travel industry with countless expeditions to all 7 continents, Henrik started as an independent nature photographer in 2001 with the nature communication agency Zoomedia ( ). Over the years, among other things, Henrik has managed to recover a rare African frog (Nectophrynoides vestergaardi), follow the last nomads on Borneo, film narwhals and polar bears for National Geographic and score the female lead singer in the band Alfons Åberg featuring Svend Geilhår's amateur gynecologists.

    Some of Henrik's experiences are described in his first book "If I survive this - it will be a good story", which was published in 2019.